The Government and People of Venezuela congratulates the Republic of Peru, which 195 years ago sealed its independence through the efforts of Jose de San Martin and the Liberator Simon Bolivar .
Following is the full communiqué:
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro Moros, extends his heartfelt congratulations to the people of the Republic of Peru, for being held today, July 28, the 195th anniversary of their independence.
On this date we ennoble the heroic actions that took place to give birth to the Republic of Peru, the product of the combination of the two liberator currents of the continent: one that was reborn from the south, from the hand of the Argentinean people with José de San Martin in front, and the other that came down from the north, full of strength and Unionist spirit and of a Big Homeland under the leadership of the common Liberator, Simon Bolivar.
The Venezuelan people, a brotherly people of Peru, whose best men moved on foot from the plains and swamps of northern South America willing to leave their blood in the Pampas of Chacamarca in Junin and in the Pampas of Quinoa in Ayacucho, we are proud of commemorating today the independence and freedom of Peru, honoring San Martin, Simon Bolivar and the Grand Marshal of Ayacucho.
Along with our Liberator Simon Bolivar on September 3, 1823 we say, «The liberator soldiers, who have come from La Plata, El Maule, El Magdalena and the Orinoco, will not return to their homelands but covered with laurels, through triumphal arches, carrying as trophies the banners of Castile. They will overcome and will leave Peru free, or they will all die. Lord, I promise this»