In an act full of symbolism and commitment, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, swore in the Bolivarian National Militia this Tuesday as a combatant body at the service of the working class.

This event was carried out with the sword of the Liberator Simón Bolívar in hand, on a day that commemorates the 194 years of the passing into immortality of one of the greatest heroes of Latin America.

During the meeting, the militiamen and women took a solemn oath before God and the Liberating Sword of Carabobo, invoking the memory of the liberators who fought for the sovereignty of our nation.

They pledged not to give rest to their arm or their soul until they achieve a total fusion between the people, the armed forces and the police forces, in a solid defense of the peace and unity that Venezuela deserves in the face of internal and external aggression:

We swear that in all the work centers of the country we will reactivate the fighting bodies of the working class. In perfect union, we will advance towards a powerful and peaceful Venezuela,” said President Maduro, emphasizing the importance of the leading role of workers in the construction of a free and sovereign country.

Commander Hugo Chávez revived the legacy of the Liberator:

In his speech, the president also echoed the essence of Bolivarian thought, expressing his conviction that the love and sacrifice of the people are indomitable forces:

I feel that Bolívar did not plow the sea; his legacy was sown and now we live the great resurrection of Bolivarianism. Our commander Hugo Chavez was the one who revived the ideas of the Liberator, guiding us in the fight for social justice,» he added.

This oath marks a milestone in the history of the country, reaffirming the indissoluble commitment of the Bolivarian people to the defense of their rights and national sovereignty.

In times of difficulties and challenges, the Bolivarian Militia stands as a beacon of hope and resistance, ready to face adversity with the strength and love of a people who do not give up.