PSUV initiated conference journey to enrich the constituent debate

On Monday, began the national workshop entitled “The ten major themes and tasks of the constituent popular process”, as part of the activities prior to the 4th Congress of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV).

“For three days we will be concentrated in a workshop that seeks to contribute elements and build proposals that strengthen the constituent debate that takes place in Venezuela”, said Eduardo Piñate, executive secretary of the PSUV.

Among the topics to be discussed are: peace and political stability, construction of the productive economic model, strengthening of People’s Power, constitutionalization of Missions and Great Missions, rights of youth and women.

The journey of discussion, which takes place at the Simón Rodríguez National Training Center, in Miranda state, will consist of plenary sessions and work tables in which will be presented the thematic axes of the objectives aimed at perfecting the Constitution of the Republic.