Venezuela hopes that DEC16 Festive cycle of San ​​Juan will be declared Intangible Heritage of Humanity

The cult of San Juan Bautista extends to the entire territory of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

The president of the Center for Cultural Diversity, Benito Irady, expressed during the Vía Alterna (Alternate Way) program, broadcast by Radio Nacional de Venezuela, the most important elements that have to do with the seven manifestations that have been declared as a World Heritage.

Irady spoke with Isbemar Jiménez and commented that “cultural diversity has been enriched over time; the communities have achieved to be made visible through the Constitution of the Republic; Before Independence, the cult of San Juan Bautista was already there, and they have cared for the tradition, and it has nothing to do with the levels of government”, explained Benito Irady.

The file of the San Juan Festive Cycle was built thanks to the organized people of the communities of the country, and everything is ready to complete the process before UNESCO.

Venezuela will continue to assume its commitment to the communities to maintain the traditions, which are already part of the world, an example of this is the recent approval of the Law for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Other files are under construction: “there is a feeling of pride in being Venezuelans”, concluded Irady.