President Maduro highlights unitary speech by Commander Chávez

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, expressed this Sunday that December 8 is a date with an emotional and spiritual charge for revolutionaries, after commemorating one more year of the last historic speech by Commander Hugo Chávez.

The head of State, through his account on the Telegram social network, highlighted that Commander Chávez’s proclamation “is full of orientations, truths and strategic lines for the future,» he said.

Likewise, the first president highlighted that Chávez, as the people still call him, “was a prophet when he spoke to us of the need for national unity, which we have managed to consolidate and build at a higher level,» he said.

Twelve years of absolute loyalty:

On December 8, 2012, the Venezuelan people received political guidelines from President Hugo Chavez to present the unity of the revolutionary forces and protect the sovereignty of the country, electing Nicolás Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela:

If something were to happen that would in any way disqualify me, Nicolás Maduro, not only in that situation, must conclude, as the Constitution mandates, the term, but my firm opinion, full as the full moon, irrevocable, absolute, total, is that in that scenario that requires calling again for presidential elections as the Constitution mandates, you elect Nicolás Maduro as president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. This I ask you from my heart,» said Commander Hugo Chavez on that historic night in 2012.

Beyond the pain that these words produce, because of the farewell that was drawn in his tone, this historic event is an open letter for all social movements, and for patriots who join in a single sentiment, to remain firm in what is known today as the civic-military-police unity, which has as its goal to defend national sovereignty and preserve the peace of the country.