President Maduro’s historic tour continues in Shandong

The historic tour that the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has undertaken since last Friday, September 8, continues in Shandong, in the People’s Republic of China.

The Head of State arrived at the Yaoqiang International Airport, in the city of Jinan, Shandong Province and was received by Deng Yunfeng, Vice Governor of Shandong Province: Cai Xianjin, Director of Foreign Affairs of the Shandong Province; Yongsen, Deputy Director of Foreign Affairs of the Shandong Province; and Liu Sijie, Deputy Director of the General Office of the People’s Government of the Shandong Province.

In the previous days, the Venezuelan Dignitary has held meetings with high-level representatives of the Communist Party of China (CCP), in order to promote the exchange of experiences in different areas of common interest, which seek to strengthen the ties of friendship, mutual respect and complementarity.

Likewise, he has visualized the technological advance of the Asian giant through visits to the Zhangjian Artificial Intelligence Island Experimental Center and the Fenglin Medicine Technology Park.