Was ordered to prepare an impeccable Republic Plan for upcoming elections in Venezuela

«I have given the order to activate all the territorial preparations for an impeccable Republic Plan whenever needed, wherever needed, however needed, in a perfect electoral system,» instructed the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, during a meeting with the Superior General Staff Enlarged of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB).

Facing the upcoming elections in Venezuela, he highlighted that in 24 years of the Revolution the Constitution has been impeccably complied with:

«In 24 years we have impeccably implemented this Constitution, with coups d’état, with conspiracies, with guarimbas (riots), we have never stopped holding appropriate elections,» he stressed.

On the other hand, he valued the Venezuelan electoral system as «the best in the world»:

«The electoral system that Venezuela has is the most transparent, the most reliable, the most complete accompanied by the Republic Plan, which is the plan that Venezuela has to guarantee the people their sovereignty, their truth, their voice, like never before”, said the national representative.

In this context, President Maduro ordered «to continue strengthening the territorial defense system, all the Integral Defense Regions, all the Integral Defense Zones, articulating the plans well, guaranteeing our people national security, citizen security, the exercise of sovereignty«