Will re-impulse “Hugo Chávez” Mission and Great Missions System

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, informed on Thursday that in the next weeks will be relaunched the “Hugo Chávez” National System of Missions and Great Missions, regarding the government objectives set for this 2020.

During the celebration of the third anniversary of the Carnet de la Patria (Homeland Card) held at Miraflores Palace, the National President explained that they will strengthen all the programs grouped in this system according to the seven lines of action presented on January 14 before the National Constituent Assembly .

Similarly, he announced the re-promotion of the Barrio Adentro modules to guarantee health in the communities of the country, as well as the incorporation of 200,000 new families to the protection system, reaching the figure of 6,200,000 homes throughout the national territory .