President Nicolás Maduro Led Event with the Great Southern Homeland
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, led an event with the Patria Grande del Sur (Great Southern Homeland)…
LEER MÁSRadio Nacional de Venezuela C.A.
Presidente Maduro recibió en Miraflores a representantes de la comunidad árabe musulmana
Presidente Nicolás Maduro: Venezuela supera el millón de barriles de producción de petróleo por día
Suspensión de impuestos a productividad primaria entrará en vigencia el 31 de marzo
Combatir al dólar de guerra es la clave para mantener estable la economía de la Nación
Presidente Nicolás Maduro: Sectores de la ultraderecha pretenden causar daño a la economía para llegar al poder político
The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, led an event with the Patria Grande del Sur (Great Southern Homeland)…
LEER MÁSThe Vice President of Communication and Culture, Freddy Ñáñez, affirmed that the national workshop on Popular Communication «Communal Think Tanks» is being…
LEER MÁSThe Vice President for Communication and Culture, Freddy Ñáñez, reported that several campaigns will be developed to guide Justices of the Peace…
LEER MÁSFollowing instructions from President Nicolás Maduro, the Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, led a meeting of the Council of…
LEER MÁSDuring a work meeting with the Government structures, the Venezuelan Head of State, Nicolás Maduro, reported that around «2,000 government delegates have…
LEER MÁSThe president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, highlighted that a new stage of economic, political and social offensive is…
LEER MÁSThe President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, called on students to join the debate on the negative impact of social networks, after…
LEER MÁSThe Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) ordered the formation of a multidisciplinary team made up of sociologists, psychiatrists, social workers, anthropologists and…
LEER MÁSIn a new edition of the program Con Maduro Live de Sudente, the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro…
LEER MÁSThe president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, denounced that minutes before the sabotage of the National Electric System occurred…
LEER MÁSDuring the press conference of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (Psuv), the first vice president of the red party, Diosdado Cabello,…