The Minister for Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, stressed that the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), sees things that are threatening the country, in that sense, he said that there is a developing Coup d’ Etat against the Government of President Nicolas Maduro Moros.
Through the Sunday program hosted by journalist José Vicente Rangel, he said that the Coup d’Etat under development can be evidenced by attacks from media corporations and other powers such as the European Parliament and the US Government.
Similarly, Padrino López opposed the idea for the FANB being associated with Coups d’Etat, as it has as its main objective to protect the citizens. «The FANB is an institution at the service of everyone», he reiterated.
Regarding the selective murders registered in the country against members of the FANB, soldiers under reserve situation, members of the Bolivarian Revolution, priests and mayors, the Minister warned that «it is an issue that transcends public safety».
Padrino López reiterated that paramilitary forces from Colombia have penetrated the country with the help of right-wing groups opposed to the Bolivarian Revolution.
The holder of the office for the Defense stressed that the FANB is not militaristic nor praetorian, at the same time, said that the aforementioned institution does not promote the indoctrination of children and youth, but it highlights the history of the independence of Venezuela, to contribute to the strengthening of national identity.
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