Vice President Rodríguez successfully concluded work visit to India

Executive Vice President Delcy Rodríguez announced on Wednesday night that her working visit to the Republic of India, in the context of the 3rd Annual Edition of Energy Week, ended «successfully.»

In a post on social media, the senior official of the Bolivarian Government indicated that, as part of the work agenda in the Asian country, «the map of joint cooperation with this brotherly country» was reviewed.

During her stay in India, Rodríguez extended «the gratitude of President Nicolás Maduro Moros to the Minister of Petroleum and Natural Gas Mr. Hardeep S. Puri for the invitation to this important international forum where we raise the energy voice of Venezuela as the country with the largest oil reserve on the planet and one of the most important gas reserves.»

Rodríguez highlighted that during her visit to India, the world’s energy reference country, she held important bilateral meetings «that will allow us to expand our binational agenda and forge new paths of cooperation in hydrocarbons, technology and non-oil trade.»

Previously, the Vice President, together with the Minister of Foreign Trade and the president of the Export Promotion Agency, delivered «Venezuela’s exportable offer to the hands of the Minister of Commerce and Industry of India, Piyush Goyal.»

Exports offer was presented:

«At the meeting we presented the main products that come from Venezuelan hands with high quality, especially from the agri-food sector that has great export potential,» she explained.

In addition, the Venezuelan delegation was also able to share «our robust and varied exportable offer with all the chambers of commerce and industry of this great nation, which will allow us to advance in the promotion of what is MADE IN VENEZUELA,» she pointed out.

As part of the balance sheet, she said there was signed a memorandum to promote digital cooperation and implement technology in education and government management.

Vice President Rodríguez concluded her tour by expressing satisfaction with the progress made, and the commitment to continue strengthening ties with India:

«We are really very happy, very pleased with what this balance has been, and we always thank our ambassador here who carries the flag of Venezuela very high, and that we can continue exploring all areas of cooperation with this giant that is India, and we can continue to mark paths in the complementarity between our countries,» she concluded.