Not to violence! Maduro: Our priority is peace and prosperity

“The priority agenda of our country must be that of work, that of solving problems, of economic growth, of expansion of missions, of employment generation, of wage defense, of pensions, of Development of public health. Let’s not let anyone disturb the agenda of peace (…) before the provocations of the right wing”, declared the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

During the act of swearing in the members of the Anti-coup Command, Maduro stated that “the firmness with which we respond to the provocations of the right wing, to the Coups d’état that they try from the National Assembly, that can not detract from the achievements, the work, the construction of the shared social happiness of a people and an entire country. ”

He emphasized that as President of Venezuela he has the duty to guarantee respect for the Constitution: “As head of state, I guarantee it for all Venezuelans. I am the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by the mandate of the people and with the people I will continue to defend peace and with only one task: to develop the economy”, he said.

In this sense, he emphasized that the right wing insists on violating the Magna Carta, since, in his opinion: “They do not respect the rules of the Constitution, they want to destroy the country, we have not allowed it and now we are more determined than ever not to allow them.”