The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, led the swearing-in ceremony of the Combat Corps at Miraflores Palace.
The Combat Corps are made up of the working class of companies and public institutions, men and women from the ministries, the common people and the various productive sectors of the country.
They have the objective of protecting and guaranteeing the areas of production, the protection of society and other areas that have a connection with the Integral Defense of the Nation.
This union ratifies what the Venezuelan President has expressed: «The Civic-Military-Police Fusion», where all those who love the Homeland are organized to guarantee peace in Bolivarian land.
Accompanying the Commander-in-Chief of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB), Nicolás Maduro, are Maj. Gen. Orlando Romero, commander of the Bolivarian National Militia; the head of the Capital District, Nahúm Fernández; and the Minister of People’s Power for Food, Maj. Gen. Carlos Leal Tellería.
Millions of combatants mobilized in the regions; in the capital city they descended from the 4F Barracks, located on the 23 de Enero parish, to reach Miraflores Palace to take an oath for the peace of the Nation.