National Assembly repudiates theft of Citgo by the US

The deputies of the National Assembly (AN) established a position against the illegal dispossession of the Citgo Company by the United States government. In this regard, the president of parliament, Jorge Rodríguez, expressed that what happened with Citgo, “is a vulgar theft by those who call themselves defenders of the economy, they set up one hoax upon another to take over the assets of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, the refinery of Citgo, which was a highly desired loot from those who represent the real power: the United States.”

In that sense, Rodríguez expressed that the extreme right wing “are so shameless that they put a Crystallex employee to hand over Citgo, those ones who handed over the assets of Venezuela, those who have received hundreds of millions of dollars from the dividends used by the Bolívar Plan, that money has been diverted, there are countless messages to prove it. These same shameless people are the ones who ask for votes today, half-wash their faces and act ignoring.”

For this reason, on July 28, we are going to prosecute them for being stateless, for thieves, and because they deserve it,” said the president of parliament.

Likewise, during the debate, the member of the Permanent Commission on Energy and Petroleum of the AN, deputy Ángel Rodríguez, stressed that in the US courts “Venezuela was not allowed to defend itself, that must be denounced. The bench of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), we have to denounce this profound damage to the Venezuelan economy.”

For his part, deputy Jocsen Alvarado pointed out that from the AN, “we do not recognize this illegal action by the United States government, we are not going to kneel. Citgo belongs to us all and we have to go defend it.”

Meanwhile, deputy Carlos Melo, a member of the opposition bench, rejected the dispossession of the Citgo company, after pointing out that although there are political differences, unpatriotic positions cannot be assumed.