China and Venezuela connect with direct flights

President Nicolás Maduro announced that the agreement that establishes direct flights between the People’s Republic of China and Venezuela is now underway, a decision that is part of the desire to strengthen cultural, commercial and friendly ties between both countries:

I proceed to sign and send to publication the China-Venezuela Air Services Law, building the new world,” announced the national president in his “Con Maduro+” program.

This instrument is created under the principles of cooperation in the international area, reciprocity, non-interference, self-determination of both nations, sovereignty and fraternity.

The president reflected that this new step of rapprochement between the two nations seeks to “strengthen the agreements and contacts that seek the construction of a new world” within the framework of a multipolar vision.

He said that this direct connection is in itself a “cultural, tourist and commercial connection”, which establishes a direct route to expand all the cooperation mechanisms that the two countries have within the framework of their All-Proof and All-Weather Alliance.

“We are very happy. For both peoples we have a dream to contact our two countries… China and Venezuela united forever,” said the president.