Misión Milagro 17 years offering visual attention to Latinos and Caribbean people

The Executive Vice President of the Republic, Delcy Rodríguez, celebrated another anniversary of the creation of Misión Milagro (Mission Miracle), a social program that has restored the sight of more than six million people in Venezuela and throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.

In this regard, Rodríguez made a publication on her account on the Twitter social network, where she expressed: “Misión Milagro, a solidarity initiative of Fidel and Chávez, has allowed integral medical care to more than 6 million Latin Americans and Caribbean people. Along with Pres. @NicolasMaduro we continue to make the miracle of vision possible. They are 17 years at the service of our peoples! «

Delcy Rodriguez


Misión Milagro, a solidarity initiative of Fidel and Chávez, has allowed comprehensive medical care to more than 6 million Latin Americans and Caribbean people. Along with Pres. @NicolasMaduro we continue to make the miracle of vision possible. They are 17 years at the service of our peoples!”