Venezuela asks at UN to face food crisis

The Alternate Ambassador of Venezuela to the UN, Joaquín Pérez Ayestarán, called for cooperation and solidarity to face the world food crisis.

During his participation in the special high-level meeting to discuss the coordination of political responses to the world food crisis, Pérez stressed the importance of stopping the imposition of unilateral and coercive measures (MCU), which, in the opinion of the Venezuelan diplomat, hinders commercial activities between nations:

It will be impossible to overcome the world food crisis while +30 countries are subject -illegally- to the oppression of the MCUs. We would contribute a lot to food stability if we could fully develop our potential. A new world free of sanctions is urgently needed”, manifested Pérez via Twitter.

It will be impossible to overcome the world food crisis while +30 countries are subject -illegally- to the oppression of the MCU. We would contribute a lot to food stability if we could fully develop our potential. A new world free of “sanctions” is urgently needed.”

Joaquín A. Pérez Ayestarán (@japerezve) July 18, 2022