COVID: Venezuela registers 500 new cases in the last 24 hours

Venezuela registered 500 new infections by Covid-19 in the last 24 hours, 497 of community transmission and 3 imported cases, as announced this Tuesday the sectoral vice president for Communication, Culture and Tourism, Freddy Ñáñez.

From his account on the Twitter social network, he reported that “communitary cases are located at: Miranda state (102), Zulia (95), Caracas (75), Carabobo (48), Trujillo (44), Yaracuy (34), Lara (25), Portuguesa (15), Falcón (13), Apure (13), La Guaira (8), Aragua (7), Nueva Esparta (4), Cojedes (4), Guárico (4), Monagas (2), among others”.

He also pointed out that Miranda state is “the entity with the highest number of infections, in 11 of its municipalities: Sucre 35, Baruta 27, Chacao 10, Plaza 6, Guaicaipuro 6, El Hatillo 5, Lander 4, Zamora 3, Los Salias 2, Urdaneta 2, Cristóbal Rojas 1”.

Regarding the 3 imported cases, he pointed out that «1 comes from Panama, 1 from Mexico and 1 from the Dominican Republic, all with entry through La Guaira state

We have a total of 131,096 confirmed cases and 122,991 people recovered, which represents 94% of the infections. We have 6,858 active cases, 6,648 are being treated in the public health system, 210 in private clinics and none in home isolation,” highlighted the also Minister for Communication and Information.

Regarding the active cases, he explained that «3,834 patients are asymptomatic, 2,627 with mild Acute Respiratory Failure, 296 with Moderate Acute Respiratory Failure and 101 in intensive care units

Unfortunately today 7 deaths are reported: 2 men aged 73 from Barinas, a woman aged 66 from Caracas, a man aged 59 from Mérida, a man aged 44 from Nueva Esparta, a 73-year-old woman from Miranda and a 37-year-old man from Zulia. Condolences to their families and loved ones, «wrote the head of Communications.

Finally, he stressed that in 331 days of the pandemic in Venezuela 2,745,122 tests have been carried out, which represents 91,504 tests per million inhabitants.