AN in contempt lacks power to reinstate Venezuela in the TIAR

The recent agreement approved by the National Assembly (AN) in contempt, of reinstating Venezuela in the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance (TIAR) is not applicable, because the body has no authority to make these decisions, constituent Hermann Escarrá said Monday.
In an interview for the “Al Aire” (On Air) program, broadcast by Venezolana de Televisión (VTV), he stressed that the only competent one to authorize the military presence of other countries in the nation is the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro.
“The National Assembly in contempt can in no way authorize, even through the TIAR route, newly approved, illegally and unconstitutionally, it is not applicable in the case of Venezuela. Here is an intra-continental situation between the United States that has declared us a dangerous country for their national security”, he said.
“The one who has military, private and exclusive powers in our constitutional system is the president of the Republic, that comes from the first constitutions”, he said.
He also expressed as “treason to the homeland” that a Venezuelan has requested the incorporation of foreign armies in the country, while explaining that when a violent scenario is triggered it will not establish any difference between government officials and opponents.
He noted that despite the national and international discredit that the empire has executed, social movements around the world are in favor of peace in Venezuela. A clear example was the support for Venezuela in the 25th edition of the Sao Paulo Forum and the Non-Aligned Countries Movement (NAM) that took place in recent days in the country.
In addition, he highlighted the significant support for the revolutionary process by nations such as China, Russia and India in a scenario of violence. “We are armored by a large international community,” he emphasized.
In recent days, the constitutional president Nicolás Maduro described as “degrading, decadent and unfortunate” that a Venezuelan tries to promote an invasion of foreign armies to his own land.