The deputy from the Homeland block to the National Assembly, Hector Rodriguez, said the dialogue convened by the National Executive has prevailed, given the decision of the National Assembly to suspend the debate on the impeachment of the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro. He considered that it is a brave decision by some representatives of the Democratic Unity Board (MUD).
«May you count on our willingness to take the path of peace,» said the deputy, after the session in the National Assembly on Tuesday, in which it was deferred the impeachment against the President.
In this regard, Rodriguez said that the NA has decided to postpone a point that is unconstitutional, because there is not a single article in the Constitution that allows to convene the Head of State. «Both the convening, as well as the object, are absolutely unconstitutional (… ) It is not this NA the competent body to assess the management of the President; the one that can assess it indeed is the Venezuelan people, at the end of each constitutional period, ie in 2018, when there will be elections, «he said.
Rodriguez also acknowledged the gesture by the opposition of betting on dialogue, «We understand that this gesture is a product of dialogue, we applaud it, we bet on it, but we want to set on the illegality and unconstitutionality of the attempted coup d’ etat that was intended to be given in Venezuela, » he said.
He also made an invitation to the NA to acknowledge the Powers of the State, the sentences of the Supreme Court of Justice, and to join the Bolivarian Economic Agenda, with President Nicolas Maduro, to overcome the current economic situation in the country.
«We are a majority the Venezuelans who want peace, dialogue, we do not want violence nor «guarimbas» (riots), today has prevailed the rationality and the dialogue we have convened for» he said.