Cabello: Peace in Venezuela is peace in much of the world

The first vice president of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, Diosdado Cabello, said Wednesday during his “Con el Mazo Dando” (Hitting with the Hammer) program, that peace in the country represents peace in much of the world:
“We, in our organization and training phase, do not fall into anyone’s blackmail, we continue with our work of organizing for peace in Venezuela. The peace of Venezuela, even if they (the right wing leaders) do not want to see it, is the peace of a good part of the world”, he said.
The also president of the National Constituent Assembly, said that the unsuccessful calls for protest made by Juan Guaidó, demonstrate the absence of leadership that signs the figure of the self-proclaimed one:
“He is a fool. Guaidó has called for I don’t know how many protests, and no one comes out, do you know why?, because nobody wants him”, he said.
He also revealed the satisfaction expressed by some leaders of the right wing when they knew of the disqualification and the waiving of the parliamentary immunity of the self-proclaimed one, for the crimes he has committed in a flagrant manner.