ANC will allow Public Ministry to watch again over Venezuela’s justice system

The National Constituent Assembly will be the body in charge of ensuring that the Public Ministry is once again an institution that ensures the justice of all Venezuelans, said the First Vice-President of PSUV, Diosdado Cabello.

«Now it is up to the ANC to make all the decisions so that the Public Ministry can become a body to the order of justice, not of the adecos(*)«, he said.

Cabello said that the international right wing managed to infiltrate entire State institutions, such as the case of the Public Ministry led by Luisa Ortega Díaz.

During his weekly program «Con el mazo dando» (Hitting with the Hammer), Cabello denounced that the world’s right wing continues to underestimate the sovereign Venezuelan people, Commander Hugo Chavez and the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

(*) «Adeco» refers to anything or anyone belonging to the right-wing «Acción Democrática» political party.