Venezuela expresses condolences on the death of the wife of former president Lula da Silva

The People’s Power Minister for Foreign Affairs, Delcy Rodríguez, on behalf of the Bolivarian people and the Government of Venezuela, expressed condolences for the death of Marisa Rocco, wife of former (Brazilian) President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva.

She maintained this through her Twitter account @DrodriguezVen, a social network where she shared the official communiqué issued by the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Affairs.

“Venezuela and the people of the Big Homeland will remember Doña Marisa as an exponent and defender of the just causes of the Brazilian people, and for their active and decisive participation in the political struggles,” reads the statement.

Delcy Rodriguez
“Venezuela expresses condolences for the death of Doña Marisa Rocco, wife of Former Pres. Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva”
15:15 – 2 Feb 2017

Following is the complete Communiqué:



The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, on behalf of the Bolivarian Government and the Venezuelan people, expresses his condolences to the former President of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Luiz Inácio “Lula” da Silva, and to his sons Marcos Claudio, Fabio Luis, Sandro Luis and Luis Claudio, on the occasion of the sensitive death of Doña Marisa Letícia Rocco, wife and companion of fight of comrade Lula.

Venezuela and the people of the Patria Grande, we will remember Doña Marisa as an exponent and defender of the just causes of the Brazilian people, and for her active and decisive participation in the political struggles, a founder, along with her husband, of the Workers’ Party. From her creative hands was born the Flag of the Workers’ Party. Your worthy example will remain in our hearts and serve as a guide for struggling women with a sense of humanity in favor of the people.

The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela ratifies its solidarity with the people of Brazil and with former President Lula da Silva, affected by such a sensitive loss, and also sends his words of regret to his children, relatives and friends of companioin Doña Marisa.

Caracas, February 2, 2017