Rodriguez: Right wing leaders are the ones who sabotage dialogue

Jorge Rodriguez, leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, PSUV, during Thursday night said the right-wing leaders must assume their actions to their followers, all this because of the call to dialogue driven on several occasions by the Head of State, Nicolas Maduro, and which has been sabotaged by the opposition leaders.
He recounted the various actions taken by the Chairman of the National Assembly, Henry Ramos Allup, who in constant opportunities has denied having sat at the table with former Presidents Martin Torrijos, José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and Leonel Fernandez, who have selflessly advocated to dialogue between the Government and the opposition in Venezuela.
“President Maduro requested the accompaniment of Unasur and the former Presidents, and after that began the first meeting for the approach, we agreed on an agenda, but informations sneaked into the social networks to go against dialogue”.
He explained that the leader of the Acción Democrática party, Henry Ramos Allup should be frank and assume that he has met several times with Zapatero, Fernandez and Torrijos.
“With the right wing have been developed more meetings than with ourselves”, he added.
During the “Política En el Diván” (Politics in the Divan) program, broadcast from Margarita island, Rodriguez explained that despite the constant actions to overthrow the Government of President Maduro, the revolutionaries have sat at the same table to agree in the benefit of peace, even when the right wing requested that any meetings to be held should be “secret”.