President Maduro ordered the restructuring of the Bolivarian National Police corp

President Nicolas Maduro ordered the Minister of Interior, Justice and Peace, Nestor Reverol, to work on the overall restructuring of the Bolivarian National Police (PNB).
“I decided to make in thirty days a plan to retake the original vision and the impulse of the PNB. I decided to restructure the PNB”, he said, as he appointed a board that will handle the complete restructuring of that security corp.
“We must have a police corp with a highly scientific and professional preparation. An eminently preventive and popular police corp”, said the Head of State.
The President asked the Minister of Interior, Justice, and Peace, Nestor Reverol to submit in 30 days a plan to retake the original vision and impulse of the PNB.
This was announced on Wednesday during his participation in the graduation ceremony of 2,196 graduates of the training course of the National Police Service Programs, period 2015 of the Experimental Security University (UNES).