The President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, described as a parliamentary coup against the judiciary power, the actions taken by Henry Ramos Allup and the opposition in the National Assembly (AN), which has been flouting the decisions of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and violating the constitution.
«We are facing a plan, let nobody be deceived, a nationwide plan to bring us to a total conflict, and thus are explained the statements verging on madness by Mr. Ramos Allup and his actions outside the constitution», said the Head of State from the Military Academy in Caracas, where was held a work meeting with the national and regional command in order to evaluate the progress of the Great Mission Sovereign Supply.
To this regard, he added, «No one can aspire, not one of us, to say «I do not obey the constitution, I do not obey the legitimate decision of the Public Powers of the country», it would be the beginning of chaos, the disintegration of the State and of the social life. Whoever has sworn to uphold the Constitution and has the highest offices, has the responsibility to set an example in the enforcement of the law and the respect for the public authorities».
The President also reiterated that despite these destabilizing actions that they promote to divert the work against the economic war, the Government has not stopped fighting for the people and to improve the situation of the Country.
«72 hours after these unconstitutional actions by the Assembly, our people broke a record on food distribution in the Local Committees of Supply and Production, and that is the answer that we give to Ramos Allup, who is in decadency», he said.
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