The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, announced from the Ayacucho Hall of Miraflores Palace the activation of the Fifth Transformation (5T), of the Plan of the 7 Transformations (7T).
Within the framework of the activation of the 5T, the Bolivarian Government began the release of resources for the 5,334 projects defined by the organized people in the first National Consultation 2025, held on February 2.
This process, unprecedented in its scope, allowed communities to prioritize their needs and democratically decide on the use of public funds.
The delivery of these resources reinforces the Government’s commitment to the democratization of the economy and social justice, ensuring that communities have the necessary tools to promote their autonomous and sustainable development.
The 5T: A leap towards People’s Power and transparency:
The fifth Transformation stands as a fundamental axis to strengthen the structures of the People’s Power, guaranteeing that organized communities have a leading role in decision-making and resource management.
This approach seeks to eliminate intermediaries and ensure that public funds reach the grassroots directly, thus strengthening communes, communal councils and other forms of popular organization.
In addition, the 5T introduces a revolutionary code of ethics aimed at public officials and political leaders, with the aim of eradicating corruption and ensuring that government management is aligned with socialist principles.
In the words of the President, this code represents an effort to build an ethical and transparent State, where the people are the main overseers of their institutions.
7T Plan: An integral vision for national transformation:
The 7 Transformations Plan, developed through the Consultation, Debate and Action (CDA) process, is consolidated as the roadmap that will guide government management for the next six years.
This integral plan addresses seven fundamental axes, from economic transformation to the consolidation of social justice and national sovereignty, adapting the Bolivarian project to the challenges of the 21st century.
During the event, the Dignitary was accompanied by the First Lady, Cilia Flores; the executive vice president, Delcy Rodríguez; the sectoral vice president of Social and Territorial Socialism, Héctor Rodríguez; and the executive secretary of the Federal Council of Government, Leonardo Montezuma, in addition to the Bolivarian Ministerial Cabinet.
The Head of State has outlined the central objectives of the 5T, which include the deepening of communal power and the promotion of a Great National Agreement for Peace 2030.