Venezuela is the fastest growing country in Latin America, assured the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro:
“We managed to overcome hyperinflation, which reached 344,000 percent in a single month, and ECLAC projects a GDP of 9% for the country,” he explained to Brazilian journalist Breno Altman.
He explained that the growth is due to the execution of a strategic plan focused on the protection of the people and the development of national production, despite economic sanctions.
He stated that the five Special Economic Zones (ZEE) are part of the strategy to free Venezuela from dependence on oil and allow sustainable development:
“We must free ourselves from oil; we have signed contracts for 52 billion dollars in various areas. Venezuela is on the right path, building its own economic model, without impositions, uniting the business community, encouraging entrepreneurs and liberating productive forces”.