Maduro: We will not step back against terrorism

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, affirmed that Bolivarian democracy will continue its consolidation against the terrorist violence by political groups of the national and international right wing.

“They have put us to tests, and we have passed them all. In some we have been hurt, but we are going onward. We are not going to step back against terrorism. They will not take us back under any circumstances”, he exclaimed this Saturday during a meeting with generals and admiral of the FANB, in Caracas.

He also stressed that the Bolivarian Government is the guarantee of peace and democracy for the Venezuelan people, which is why he reaffirmed his call for unity against the violent groups:

“I am a simple man, but I have an immense responsibility, and I will continue to fulfill it for many years, because I am the guarantor of peace, of tranquility, of institutionality and democracy for a country. When I say I am, I say We Are, it is that I assume you as a whole collective. Military and civilians as a single people, as a single Homeland. We will continue to face the difficulties and to overcome them”, he stressed.