President Maduro denounces censorship on TikTok: No one will stop the people

The head of state and candidate for presidential re-election, Nicolás Maduro, in the company of the first combatant woman, Cilia Flores, denounced the censorship of his official account on the TikTok social network, this during the broadcast of a live about his tour along the La Costanera avenue, on the occasion of inaugurating this road section in Anzoátegui state.

During his speech, the president noted: “We were broadcasting live on Tik Tok and they censored our account. What do they fear? Who said fear? Do you think that by censoring my social networks you are going to stop this people?, This people is not to be stopped by anyone, not Tik Tok, nor a thousand Tik Toks. I carry the sling of David against Goliath and the evil empire.”

It is worth remembering that the head of state and candidate for presidential re-election in recent days reiterated his complaints about the ban that media corporations have been applying to him through social networks. However, he pointed out that “we are going to break it” with the conscience of the people.