Head of State highlights that the path is to improve and refine to win on Jul-28

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, during the meeting of the five generations and seven forces of the revolution, assured that this team, together, will achieve the consolidation of a freer and more sovereign country: “I firmly believe that the battle we still have to win is that of truth inside and outside Venezuela, the communicational, cultural, values, symbolic battle and the path is to improve, adjust, refine. We have a great challenge between now and July 28.”

He asked the team in charge of social networks to make a quantitative and qualitative leap and activate a permanent language and win in the digital world: “We have to do more. The line is given, I convert the five generations and the seven forces into a presidential order and candidacy, to all those who see us here, the system is streets, media, networks, walls and Radio Bemba (word of mouth), in all states.”

Economic front:

In this regard, President Maduro highlighted that there is considerable economic health in Venezuela, due to the changes that have been made in the country during the resistance against the economic war and in the construction of a new model.

He highlighted that “the Central Bank of Venezuela exceeds eight percent of the real economy, last year it was 5.5, this year’s projection was eight percent and we are going for more, the economy that generates goods and services, employment, entrepreneurship. In relation to inflation, the trend is deceleration and defeat is consolidated; In May we had the lowest month on this issue for 18 years and in the month of June the lowest in 39 years.”

In this sense, he assured that the Bolivarian Revolution is the guarantee of changes and transformations for the transformation of peace and economic development in Venezuela.

Social front:

The national leader highlighted that with the 1×10 system of Good Government, 90.6 percent of the people’s requests were resolved:

In 30 days I delivered 52 works, I went to 18 states and was in 49 towns, on a sacred pilgrimage, because each town is a temple. Yesterday Capriles said to be careful… he was envious that this boy who had never been a candidate, a bus driver, had taught the pretty boy a lesson. They made something of a lie that later collapsed. He comes out to say that the works that I delivered, made with the viscera of the recovery that we have achieved, are a waste of resources.”