Maduro alerts the world on the danger represented by Mike Pence’s statements against Venezuela

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, stressed that the Bolivarian Revolution is strengthened and affirmed against the onslaught of imperial countries.

He mentioned the unprecedented global campaign that is facing the country today, among which are included the statements by the vice president of the United States, Mike Pence, who on Tuesday said that the President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, said that the so-called caravan of migrants that is on route to the US, is financed by the Government of Venezuela.

In that sense, the National President alerted the world about the danger that such declarations represent for his security and that of Venezuela, and affirmed that they seek to bring down the Revolution:

“I warn the world on the paranoia of Mike Pence and the extremist sectors of the US government against Venezuela. They have an obsession because they have not been able to make us give up, and they will never be able to do it, because the Bolivarian Revolution is rooted and determined to advance forward”, he said.