ALBA-TCP welcomes agreement to recognize results in the JUL-28 elections

The member states of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), welcome the agreement to respect the results of the elections that will take place in Venezuela on July 28 of 2024, signed in the National Electoral Council (CNE). This was indicated in a statement from the alliance released this Tuesday.

ALBA-TCP applauds the sovereign action taken in the Venezuelan nation so that the parties involved in the electoral contest agreed to respect the decision of Venezuelans in the next elections, always in favor of maintaining peace and stability of the nation. Once again, the Venezuelan State, through its governing body, demonstrates its commitment to guaranteeing compliance with the sacred choice of the Venezuelan people.”

The Bolivarian Alliance reiterates its support for the Venezuelan people and Government in their inalienable right to build their own destiny without interference of any kind and supports all pertinent actions to assert their sovereignty and self-determination,” states the message.