Approved construction of the Mara Solar Park that will generate 50 megawatts

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, approved the construction of the Mara Solar Park that will generate 50 megawatts “to give stability to the Zulia State Electrical System and guarantee solar energy.”

The Mara Solar Park is going to benefit the Guajira, Mara, Insular and Almirante Padilla regions with 50 megawatts,” he reported and issued the instruction of a 10 months deadline for its installation.

Likewise, the Venezuelan head of state approved projects and resources for this Zulia state axis, which are:

The creation of the Bilingual Intercultural Territorial University of La Guajira. “to have two villages of a university where the Engineering, Economics, and Bilingual careers are seen.”

The construction of the new lake pass and dock between the Mara and Almirante Padilla municipalities.

Rehabilitation of the Integral Diagnostic Center (CDI) of Paraguaipoa.

Installation, in the Mara municipality, of the modern Dialysis Unit of La Guajira.

Delivered the first batch of 100 electricity transformers for the Mara municipality.

Approved resources for the direct passage of water from the Paraguaipoa aqueduct.

Instructed the president of the Corporation for the Development of the Zuliana Region (Corpozulia), Néstor Reverol, to supervise the road rehabilitation of the Guajira Subregion.

Rehabilitation of Educational Units in the Laguna de Sinamaica, as well as the completion of the “Hugo Chávez” and “Elio Valmore Castellano” high schools.

To complete the installation of a underlake cable in the Almirante Padilla municipality.

Delivery of the Administrative Service for Identification, Migration and Immigration (SAIME) for La Guajira.

The announcements were highlighted by the Dignitary during his participation in a loving meeting with Wayuu and Añu indigenous peoples, in the Mara municipality, where he also instructed the Minister of Petroleum and Political Godfather of the 1×10 system in Zulia state, Rafael Tellechea; and Néstor Reverol, president of Corpozulia, to organize the spokespersons for each communal circuit for the housing plan in the Guajira subregion:

In the entire Guajira subregion, I have heard, there are 56 communal circuits, so Tellechea, Reverol summons me for Monday, the two spokespersons: a spokesperson and a spokesperson for each communal circuit of the Guajira subregion, to make the housing plan for the entire Guajira subregion,” he advised.