Venezuela went from importing 85% of food to supplying the entire country with 100% national production

In the last five years, Venezuela went from importing 85% of food to supplying the entire country with 100% national production, highlighted the president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro.

As a comparison, the Venezuelan President recalled: “(…) The other day we had a video of when the Great Mission Agro-Venezuela turned 5 years old and the shortage was at 80% percent, 81% percent, and there were producing practically nothing. “85% percent was imported from abroad and we didn’t have a single dollar.”

In that scenario – as the President reviewed – “the sanctions took away 99% percent of Venezuela’s income, the income of Venezuelans, and we went from 54 billion dollars to 700 million dollars in income”.

However, he maintained that thanks to economic strategies, it was possible, five years later, to supply food with 100% national production.

(…) On August 11, 2019, I said: The path is to produce, to resolve the issues of seeds, land work, logistics and a set of guidelines. And along the path of production of the Venezuelan land, we, I said: sooner rather than later, we are going to supply our country with national production, five years later it is a reality,” recalled the national leader.

In this sense, the Venezuelan Dignitary predicted good times in the future of Venezuela and invited businessmen to continue working:

(…) I tell businessmen: in the years to come we are going to recover the Social Welfare State of the workers, we are going to build a truly sustainable social security system and continue to advance and strengthen and recover the free, quality and public education; nobody is going to privatize the free, quality and public health,” he stressed.