President Maduro says to be prepared for referendum with the support of the people

The Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, sentenced to be prepared for the revoking referendum process with the support of the people who, in his assessment, will not abandon him.
«If they pass that test (the opposition) we will go to the referendum whenever, however says the Electoral Power. The referendum is an option, not an obligation. We will see each other’s faces, it would be again Santa Inés (Referring to the historic Battle of Santa Inés) in the blessed day that it would be set for, and I’m ready because my fate is sealed; my fate is in the hands of the people and it will not leave me alone, it will not fail me. The first to go out are the women and they will bring their children, husbands, cousins, grandparents, uncles, Do you want to see the big history? You will see it! «Said the Head of State.
In a contact from Miraflores Palace in Caracas, the President stressed that will respect the voice of the CNE and, if is denied the political option due to inconsistencies, he will not allow demonstrations of violence in the nation.
The coordinator of the special committee for the review of the request for a referendum, Jorge Rodriguez, announced that they will request the CNE to participate in the audit process of the forms that will consign the opposition, as they are public documents. To do this, they will join graphology technicians, fingerprint reading specialists and other professionals.
«The CNE will say if it has been met or not the first step to start the possible request for a referendum. If they say yes: well, in peace; if not, the same. My destiny is written, if not I would not be the President (…) because I am not an ambitious man, nor a multimillionaire, nor was I put here by the gringos, It was the people who put me here. I do not fear any test, do know this well, «stressed Maduro.
He stressed that he will not accept national or international blackmail of any kind against democracy, through coups d’etat or violent means.