Anti-imperialist forces will defend democracy against fascist threats

The president of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, urged to unite all the forces of the Venezuelan left wing, as well as the progressive, anti-imperialist, popular forces and the nationalist patriotic forces that defend democracy against the fascist threats that are intended to be imposed in the country by a right-wing extremist model such that of Javier Milei in Argentina or that of Jair Bolsonaro when he assumed the presidency of Brazil:

“To the surnames, to the oligarchy, to the Homeland-selling puppets we tell: In Venezuela you will not return and what the Great Patriotic Pole Simón Bolívar is going to is onward with all the unitary force of the left wing, of progressivism, of nationalism, of the revolutionary sectors,” he expressed.

In this sense, the head of state highlighted that, in the Great Patriotic Pole “Simón Bolívar” (GPP) are resumed all the struggles, ideas and all the revolutionary forces that the country has and that have arisen in recent years with the glorious Venezuelan left wing: “that’s where I come from, I’m a man of the left wing, a socialist since I was born.”

Likewise, he highlighted his love for the roots of the Venezuelan homeland and his Chavista vocation: “I am a Chavista from dawn until all time, the first Chavista president, proud to be one and we have to unite the entire progressive, revolutionary left wing.”