Foreign Policy Commission AN reaches goals in the first period of 2023

The Permanent Commission on Foreign Policy, Sovereignty and Integration reached the goals set for the first period of ordinary sessions of 2023, according to the data collected in the report on the Balance of Management that the instance consigned to the Secretariat of the National Assembly (AN).

During this period, the commission had as its fundamental vision the study of the integration processes that the country is carrying out, relations with other nations, with international organizations and other entities of international public law. Likewise, he addressed matters relating to treaties, agreements and related matters, in order to learn about national sovereignty, self-determination, world peace, the construction of a multipolar world and international cooperation.

The balance reports that the instance approved nine appointments of ambassadors proposed by the national Executive:

Coromoto Godoy (to Spain)

Manuel Vicente Vadell (to Brazil)

Carlos Martinez (to Colombia)

Cayapa Rodríguez González (to India)

Orlando Maneiro (to Cuba)

Alberto Castellar (to Nigeria)

Arturo Gil (to France)

Juan Carlos Fernandes (to Vietnam)

Freddy Molina (to Turkiye)

This commission proposed four agreements before the Chamber, among them the one between Venezuela and Colombia on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments, regarding the reestablishment of relations with the neighboring country; and approved the request for authorization from the Venezuelan alternate ambassador to the United Nations, Joaquín Pérez Ayestarán, to accept the decoration for interaction granted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.