«I call to the maximum and absolute union, to the loyalty. To the legacy of Hugo Chavez and to me as President of the Republic, who am in charge to take this entire battle and the entire historical and revolutionary charge. Union of all political and social factors. »
The request was made by the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro, from Miraflores Palace. This in connection with the closing of the Homeland Congress, as an instance of reflection and self-criticism.
He noted that the organizations can not promote sectarianism against PSUV, because it suits the empire and the oligarchs. He recalled that there are instances and mechanisms for debate, at all levels.
«Maximum consciousness, let’s be aware of infiltrators who have been planted for many years here and there. I know several ones, sometimes we have told to some fellow revolutionaries (…) at the end it has a Dove tail, and can not be a tiger», he said.
These statements were issued by the President during the broadcast of the program number 53 of «Contacto con Maduro» (Contact with Maduro).
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