Venezuela and China continue strengthening their ties of brotherhood and cooperation, this time from the Federal Legislative Palace, where a meeting was held between the Venezuela-China Parliamentary Friendship Group with representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China.
At the meeting, a balance was made on the development of the parliamentary relationship between both legislative powers, this information was made known by the President of the Venezuela China Parliamentary Friendship Group, Nicolas Maduro Guerra; who also stressed:
«We request the collaboration of the Chinese parliament to continue consolidating and establishing a series of cooperation mechanisms in legislative matters, in comparative law between both nations, constitutional law, economic laws so that our peoples can exchange, feed back information and that our legal base can continue to grow».
The President of the Venezuela-China Parliamentary Friendship Group, described the meeting as extraordinary, which demonstrates the progress of the nation in peace diplomacy and to the parliament as an instrument of that diplomacy that is exclusive to the constitutional executive power:
«We, through this parliamentary group, will continue to do everything possible to continue consolidating Venezuela’s relations with all the countries of the world,» expressed Maduro Guerra.