A total of 711 cases of community transmission of COVID-19 and 50 imported cases were detected in the last 24 hours by the Venezuelan health authorities, raising the total number of infections to 63,416, of which 51,274 have successfully recovered, which is equivalent to 81 percent of cases.
The information was released on Wednesday by the Minister of People’s Power for Communication and Information, Freddy Ñáñez, at the end of the daily meeting of the Presidential Commission for the Control and Prevention of COVID-19.
Regarding the cases of community transmission, he explained that they focused on:
Capital District: 144 new cases in 20 of the 22 capital parishes, concentrating the largest number of cases in: El Valle with 42, Sucre (Catia) with 17, San Juan with 10 and San Agustín with 7.
By State:
Carabobo: 103 new cases.
Aragua: 85 new cases.
Miranda: 85 new cases.
Táchira: 59 new cases.
Bolívar: 42 new cases.
Yaracuy: 40 new cases.
Anzoátegui: 31 new cases.
Nueva Esparta: 22 new cases.
Trujillo: 16 new cases.
La Guaira: 16 new cases.
Monagas: 12 new cases.
Lara: 11 new cases.
Guarico: 11 new cases.
Amazonas: 9 new cases.
Portuguesa: 9 new cases.
Merida: 6 new cases.
Sucre: 4 new cases.
Falcón: 2 new cases.
Cojedes: 1 new case.
Barinas: 1 new case.
Delta Amacuro: 1 new case.
Apure: 1 new case.
Meanwhile, regarding the imported cases, he indicated that 44 are coming from Colombia and 6 from Brazil.
As of this Wednesday, there are 11,631 active cases, of which 7,026 are admitted into hospitals, 4,265 in Integral Diagnostic Centers (CDI) and 340 in private clinics.
Regarding the condition of active patients, Ñáñez specified that 7,973 are asymptomatic, 2,639 have mild acute respiratory failure, 873 have moderate acute respiratory failure, and 146 have severe acute respiratory failure, for which they are admitted into Intensive Care Units.
On his behalf, he regretted reporting the death of nine people from the COVID-19 infection in the last hours, which raises the number of fatalities to 511. The deaths were: two women 79 and 74 years old from Apure state; two men aged 68 and 62 from Zulia state, the first of them was a health personnel; a 78-year-old man and a 68-year-old woman from Aragua state, a 77-year-old man from the Capital District; an 86-year-old man from Delta Amacuro state and a 66-year-old man from Monagas state, also a health personnel.
The Minister for Communication and Information alerted the population to stay at home during this week of radical quarantine in order to cut the chains of COVID-19 infections, as part of the Venezuelan 7+7 method.
He also stressed that the national vaccination journey that began this Tuesday is reported with a successful deployment thanks to the contribution of community leaders who are deployed together with health personnel from house to house, respecting all biosecurity measures against COVID -19, a process that will last until December.