Tamara Adrian denies right wing violent acts of 2014

In the second “Siete Preguntas” (Seven Questions) program with journalist Ernesto Villegas, broadcast by Telesur, the opposition lawmaker for the Venezuela’s National Assembly, Tamara Adrian, defended the amnesty law and denied the violent “guarimbas” (street riot barricades) acts which occurred in 2014, driven by the right wing.
Given the premise that the Amnesty Law will defend and release people with crimes of homicide, drug trafficking, misuse of weapons, property damage among others, the deputy said that within the law have been made to see “crimes of people who really do not have them.”
The law which promotes the right wing, amnesties about fifty types of crime: the real estate scam, power sabotage, hoarding and speculation of food and medicine (including the sale of expired products), the use of firearms and explosives.
In addition, the Amnesty Law could benefit Leopoldo Lopez, the main promoter of the “guarimbas” (riot protests), which registered in Venezuela during 2014 as a result of which 43 people were killed. The right-wing leader is in prison for public incitement, conspiracy and determinative in damage and fire.
But the law is not limited to the “guarimbas” of 2014, but it covers events since 1999, such as the coup d’etat of 2002 and the oil strike that drove the right wing later that year.