President Maduro called on the Venezuelan people to participate in the upcoming legislative elections

The head of state and government, Nicolás Maduro Moros, called on the people of Venezuela to participate in the legislative elections to be held on December 6, 2020.

He pointed out that these elections will have all the sanitary and biosafety protocols in order to guarantee the health of the Venezuelan people, as announced by the president of the National Electoral Council (CNE), Indira Alfonzo Izaguirre.

He stressed that from these elections will be born a new National Assembly (AN), which will emerge from the power of the popular vote, safeguarding the democracy, peace and sovereignty of the Nation.

“As we have seen in the world, elections have been held amidst the pandemic (…) Venezuela will not be left behind, we have a mandate from the Constitution that requires us to make these elections”, he said.

He said that it will be a good competition: “There are 86 political parties and national and regional electoral groups that are going to register their candidacies (…) democracy enriches and strengthens the spirit of peace in our country”, he emphasized.

The electoral schedule was announced this Wednesday by the president of the CNE, who explained that the presentation of applications will be from August 10 to 19, and the electoral campaign will be held from November 21 to December 5, with a simulation on October 11.

For the 2021-2026 term, the number of deputies to be elected for the AN increased from 167 to 277, which translates to an increase of 66%, which corresponds to a method to balance the Venezuelan electoral system between the vote by list, with a weight of a 48 percent, and the nominal vote, with a 52 percent.