The deputy to the National Assembly (AN) in contempt for the Bloque de la Patria (Homeland Bloc), Francisco Torrealba, consigned to the Public Ministry (MP) a document requesting to open an investigation against the self-proclaimed deputy Juan Guaidó and his “delegates” abroad, for the alleged crime of illicit enrichment:
«The investigation must conclude with the clear establishment of the responsibilities of these deputies of the G4 (Voluntad Popular, Acción Democratica, Primero Justicia, Un Nuevo Tiempo rightwing parties) who are a worldwide scandal for corruption offenses», told Torrealba to Venezolana de Televisión.
In the same way, he described the actions of looting by Juan Guaidó as an «Orange rotten pot operation», since he appointed political operators of Voluntad Popular to appropriate the resources of Venezuela abroad:
«All of them are stealing money from the country and are responsible for what happens in CITGO, a company that stopped reporting income since they assumed the direction of the company with US consent».
Torrealba said that the self-proclaimed deputy Juan Guaidó has received more than 1,218 million dollars for «donations» to be distributed in alleged «humanitarian aid.»
Finally, the Socialist deputy added that the aforementioned funds may have been allocated to «family and friends» who have acquired goods abroad, and have «bulkied» their bank accounts.