Ministry of food evaluates actions against new US coercive measures

This Wednesday the Minister of People’s Power for Alimentation, Carlos Leal Tellería, convened an extraordinary meeting of the Superior General Staff of the Ministry of Alimentation (MINPPAL), in order to evaluate actions before the new financial and economic blockade announced by the government of United States (USA) against Venezuela.
During the meeting, Tellería urged the members of the Higher General Staff of Alimentation to continue reviewing the work methods and permanently evaluate the management of each of the areas and dependencies of Mission Alimentation with the purpose of obtaining better results for the people:
«Now more than ever, we must work with the greatest patriotic dedication to guarantee the alimentary right and security», said Tellería, quoted in a press release from MINPPAL.
“Care to the people, through social food programs; also to continue strengthening the actions to meet the goal of the 10 million combos and CLAP boxes”, were part of the tasks that Tellería announced during the session.
In addition, he ordered the Territorial Coordinators of the ministry to redouble their tasks with regional and local governments.
The Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) rejected on Tuesday through a statement, the executive order signed by the President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, in which it is intended to freeze goods from Venezuela, intensifying the financial, economic blockade and commercial tax against the South American nation.