President Maduro ratifies loyalty and solidarity with Palestine

The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, confirmed on Thursday his commitment and the solidarity of Venezuela with the independence of Palestine:

“On the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, Venezuela reaffirms its historic commitment in defense of one of the most noble and just causes in this world. We will continue to advocate for the self-determination and independence of Palestine”, said the National President on the Twitter social network.

On November 29, 1977, the United Nations Organization (UN) approved to commemorate the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The date was chosen because of its importance for the Palestinian people, after on that day, in 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations approved resolution 181, later known as the resolution of the Partition, which stipulated the creation of a Jewish state and an Arab state in Palestine, with Jerusalem as a corpus separatum subject to a special international regime.

Of the two states provided for in that resolution, only one has been created: Israel.

In 1975, the Committee for the Exercise of Inalienable Rights for the Palestinian People was established, with the mandate to advise the Assembly on programs aimed at the exercise of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including that of self-determination without external interference, that of independence, national sovereignty and the return to their homes and properties from which they were evicted, as reports a note by the UN.

The mandate of the Committee is also to offer its cooperation and support to Palestinian organizations and other civil society organizations. In line with this mandate, a network of more than a thousand civil society organizations from all regions of the world has been created over the years to carry out activities regarding the Palestine affair.

The resolution on the celebration of this day also encourages the Member States to continue providing maximum support and publicizing the celebration of this day.