Nicolás Maduro: Chavismo changed regional geopolitics

“The defeat of the Bolivarian Revolution became the central flag of the campaign of the international right wing, for having managed to articulate the progressive forces of the region and become a world reference of the changes that humanity needs”, said on Sunday the President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, to explain the impact of this political, social and economic model.

“(…) Anti-Chávismo and anti-Bolivarian campaigns became the axis of the speech of the entire right wing that in some countries has gotten into Government by way of voting, as in the case of Argentina, or through a coup d’etat, as it happened in Brazil”, he said.

From the Simón Bolívar Hall of the Miraflores Palace in Caracas, the seat of the Executive branch, during an interview with journalist José Vicente Rangel, the Head of State assured that the right wing is afraid of the force of the ideas of the Bolivarian Revolution.

“All the right wing that has reached political power in some key countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Peru, is fed by an anti-Chavista, anti-Bolivarian doctrine, of fear, fright; almost terror that they feel by the force of the ideas that emanate from the Bolivarian Revolution (…)

Chavismo, or the new Bolivarianism of the 21st century as defined by the National President himself, “Has changed regional geopolitics, it changed the political landscape of Latin America and the Caribbean and impacted on an important group of regions of the world.”