Maduro: Social Works of the Revolution continue their march with the accompaniment of the people

The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, said on Saturday that the works and social programs promoted by the Bolivarian Revolution keep ongoing with the support of the people, which remains mobilized in defense of their conquests.
“We continue to work, tirelessly and with a great joy, thanks to the unconditional support of the people which remains mobilized on the streets, defending the Bolivarian Revolution,” stressed the National President, through his official account on Facebook.
In the social network, the Venezuelan Head of State recalled that one of those programs is the Great Mission Housing Venezuela, created by Commander Hugo Chavez in 2011, and is aimed at dignifying Venezuelan families who were unable to access homeownership the high costs of speculative real estate market.
In that regard, he mentioned that so far this social program has built 1,193,892 housings, which have been delivered to as many families across the country, confirmed the commitment of the Executive to build 3 million worth ceilings for 2019.
“We are accelerating the pace to reach the proposed goals, to meet the goal projected by Commander Hugo Chavez through the Great Mission Housing Venezuela,” he said.
Also, President Maduro mentioned the the third anniversary of the Great Mission Barrio Nuevo, Barrio Tricolor was raised to the status of Great Socialist Mission, with the aim of “bringing to all communities of the country, happiness and integral transformation of the urban space for life”.
This program is one of the key drivers for building socialism as it meets the objective of transforming the habitat of Venezuelan communities to provide decent living conditions, at the same time deepens the community organization as a tool to consolidate the people’s power base critical of the Bolivarian Revolution.