The Venezuelan opposition develops a coup d’ etat, promoted by the National Assembly, which aims to overthrow the Constitutional President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, and to disown the other State powers, violating the rule of law and justice established by the constitution, as did the chamber of deputies of Chile in 1973, after the overthrow of Salvador Allende.
The coup actions developed from the parliament were evident in an agreement approved by the deputies of the Venezuelan right wing on October 23. The countersigned document has similarities, as to the arguments and agreements, to those made by the Chilean Congress on August 22, 1973.
Here is a comparison between the two documents putschist character:
1. It seeks to disown the President of the Republic, arguing the rupture of constitutional order by the Executive Branch:
According to the Chamber of Deputies of Chile 1973:
«That is an essential condition for the existence of a rule of law that the public authorities, with full respect for the principle of reciprocal independence that governs them, to frame their action and exercise their powers within the framework that the Constitution and what the laws say. »
«That is a fact that the present Government of the Republic, since its inception, has been endeavoring to conquer total power, with the obvious purpose of subjecting all people to the strictest economic and political control by the state and achieve thereby establishing a absolutely opposed to representative democratic system totalitarian system established by the Constitution. »
«To represent to the President of the Republic and members of the Armed Forces for the grave violation of the constitutional and legal order of the Republic.»
Also to represent to the Ministers, of the institutions of whom are senior members, it is for them to put an immediate end, in order to channel the governmental action by way of law and ensure the constitutional order of our country and the essential bases of democratic coexistence among Chileans »
Agreement of the National Assembly of Venezuela 2016:
«That there is no democracy without the effective exercise of a constitutional text to order according to justice, the exercise of public powers and public power relations with citizens.»
«The Government of Nicolas Maduro tries to ignore the will of change of the Venezuelan electorate, despising and hindering the legitimate exercise of voting and other participation mechanisms provided for in the Constitution for the election of regional public office and recall referendum of mandate President of the Republic, in violation of fundamental rights and making peace fragile. »
2. It is intended to erect the legislature as a superpower, which is above the other branches of Government, ignoring the provisions of the Constitution, which both countries have Presidential regimes. In Venezuela, the NA disowns the principle of participatory and starring democracy established in the Constitution:
According to the Chamber of Deputies of Chile 1973:
«He has usurped from the Congress its main function, which is to legislate, by adopting a series of measures of great importance for the economic and social life of the country, which are unquestionably matters of law, decrees of insistence dictated abusively or simple resolutions administrative founded on «loopholes», is worthy of note that all this has been done with the deliberate and avowed purpose of changing the structures of the country, recognized by law, by the sole discretion of the Executive and with absolute disregard of the will of legislator.»
Agreement of the National Assembly of Venezuela 2016:
«That faced with authoritarian manifestations, concentration of power and abuse of fundamental rights, the National Assembly must accompany the Venezuelan electorate to institutionally assume the defense of the Constitution, democracy and of its rights.»
«That the principle of representation of the electorate has its maximum expression in the National Assembly, a fundamental pillar of democracy, for being the most plural manifestation of Public Power, which ensures a greater participation, legitimacy and loyalty of the general will. »
3. It is being tried to disown the other branches of Government, constitutionally established:
According to the Chamber of Deputies of Chile 1973:
«That, with respect to the judiciary, has committed the following abuses: a) For the purpose of undermining the authority of the judiciary and curb its independence, has captained one infamous campaign of libel and slander.»
«The Supreme Court and has covered serious outrages against persons and powers of judges has mocked the action of justice in cases of delinquents belonging to parties and members of groups or related government, either through the abuse of pardon, or by deliberate breach of arrest warrants. »
Agreement of the National Assembly of Venezuela 2016:
«That the Supreme Court of Justice has betrayed its raison d’etre, abandoning its role as guarantor of fundamental rights and constitutional supremacy, because their decisions denote a lack of independence and objectivity.»
«To disown, in accordance with Articles 7 and 333 of the Constitution, the authority and validity of the acts of the Executive and the judgments of the Supreme Court of Justice, that counter the values, principles and democratic guarantees and adversely affects the Fundamental rights. »
4. It is being made a call to the Armed Forces to disown the Executive power and to fold to the call of the Legislature. In Venezuela, it is requested to the Bolivarian National Armed Forces to disown the other branches of Government:
According to the Chamber of Deputies of Chile 1973:
«That the Armed Forces (…), due to their very own nature, must be a guarantee for all Chileans and not just for one sector of the Nation or for a political combination. Therefore, their presence in the Government can not lend to cover with their endorsement any given partisan and minority policy but must aim to restore conditions of full rule of the Constitution and the laws and the democratic coexistence, essential to ensure to Chile its institutional stability, civil peace, security and development. »
Agreement of the National Assembly of Venezuela 2016:
«To urge the National Armed Forces to assist in restoring the rule of law, the observance of fundamental rights and democratic principles. To this end, it must accompany the Venezuelans in the requirements designed to facilitate the exercise of political rights and ensure the submission of the representatives of the Public Power to the Constitution as well as to disown the acts of the National Executive and the Supreme Court which adversely affects the Constitution.»
Finally, the agreement endorsed by parliamentarians of the opposition in Venezuela materializes the call to the international community for a foreign intervention in the country:
Agreement of the National Assembly of Venezuela 2016:
«To urge to international organizations, through the United Nations (UN) High Commissioner for Human Rights; the Secretary General and the Permanent Council of the Organization of American States (OAS), so that in exercising its powers to issue a pronouncement and take appropriate measures aimed at guaranteeing the effective exercise of democracy and respect for human rights in Venezuela . »
«To urge the international organizations and Latin American parliaments, the authorities of the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) to be vigilant and contribute to the restoration of democratic institutions in Venezuela and require the National Executive for respect of the principles, values and freedoms essential to democracy. »
Before the scenario for a coup d’ etat raised by the Venezuelan right wing, the Bolivarian Government along with the people is mobilized and attentive to respond to the attacks raised and to maintaining peace in the country.
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