On September 30th will be made the National Plenary of the Homeland Congress, where all sectors and social movements in the country will gather, as reported on Thursday the President of the Republic, Nicolas Maduro.
«We will make the National Plenary of all the Homeland Congresses that we have managed to shape, to see the plan of mobilization and construction of the Homeland Congress», said Maduro from the Production Unit «Indio Yare», located in the city of Maracay, where was held the Homeland Congress, Chapter of the Local Committees of Supply and Production (CLAP).
This meeting will aim to bring all proposals and approaches gathered in the Congresses to be held in the next 22 days at a parish, municipal and state levels.
«September 30, should it be a point of arrival, of inflection, to finish this year and for October, November and December to be months of consolidation of the CLAP, to organize the happiest Christmases we’ve ever had in Revolution,» said the State Chief.
Maduro took the opportunity to call to strengthen the Homeland Congress of each sector at a National level «in each state and each municipality. (…) In Revolution are welcome all social sectors to build the Homeland», he said
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